The Children’s Garden is a learning environment, which includes helping children develop healthy habits early in life. A lot of thought has gone into how food fits into the overall philosophy of our programs.

  • Here at The Garden, we strive to serve nutritious meals and snacks that include a variety of fruits and vegetables and a minimum of processed foods.
  • We use a very limited amount of sugar in our recipes and encourage healthy treats like yogurt and fruit for special occasions. Because the balance of whole proteins, vegetables, fruits and grains is important to all growing children, we’ve incorporated such products as organic tofu and tempeh into our menu.
  • Due to the severity of some nut allergies, our schools and kitchens are nut-free. Delicious and nutritious sunflower seed butter is used in place of other nut spreads.
  • We believe meals offer a time to gather together and support friendships while promoting healthy habits and manners.
  • Serving meals “family style” helps create a sense of community within each classroom.