Infant & Toddler Care 2

We’ve created a special group for our older infants providing more challenging activities. The children are given the opportunity to explore various areas of their development through gross and fine motor activities, art, sensory experiences, circle time, outside time and much more! Developing self-help skills such as using utensils at meals, drinking from a regular cup and communicating needs start children on the path of becoming an independent learner.

Lot of exciting benchmarks are met in the Wobbler room

  • Building or continuing strong and secure attachments to caregivers
  • Becoming a strong walker
  • Building vocabulary (identifying objects), using “Baby Sign” to increase communication skills
  • Language development through songs, rhymes and teacher interaction and narration
  • Social skills: sharing, using our words, gentle touches
  • Learning to sit at meal time and use utensils
  • Easy separation from parents